46Port Connection Failed in C Programming
2019-02-24 02:43:24Hits : 1810
Name : joeljalon1987
Status : Complete
I cannot downloaad the program to roborobo when using c programming. When I translated the Korean characters using google it said "port connection failed", but if I am just using the drag-and-drop (chips) there's no problem. I am using 64bit Win 10 Laptop.
joeljalon1987 2019-02-24 02:57:07Here's the msgs in Korean
" 포트를 찾는 중 입니다...
포트 연결을 실패했습니다..." -
wayne 2024-05-18 17:21:09I also have the same problem.
I tried using RogicEditor to program in C. I can successfully build the program. But cannot download the program to the CPU. RogicEditor says “port does not exist” in Korean.